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Product Release 07282021

Product Release Notes: 07/28/2021



Chart Download

We have simplified our chart download process. When you download a chart, clicking the Chase ID on the completed Job (Cloud icon) will automatically download your document. Previously, you were redirected to the chart download page, select the chart, click view chart. Your chart can still be accessed from the Chart Download page.


Source Member ID

Currently, we have an internally generated Member ID that is unique for each member and each project. In order to connect members across different project loads, we need to create a "unique member id" that enables us to link all members that are loaded into our system.


Chase Query

Pend Code filter was not returning all Pend Statuses.



Provider Gateway PIN #

Addresses will now be given a unique alphanumeric PIN # to be used when uploading records on our Provider Gateway Upload Portal. This PIN # does not expire.  


Document Intake Assigned To

The Document Intake Timeline will now show who the document is assign to. It will display who, when, what time, and by who.


Special Handling

Special handling will now display the “reason” on the table.  


Member Centric

Member Centric Manual Assignment

When manually assigning a chase, if there are additional member chases associated to that member you will be prompted and asked if you would also like to assign those chases. This helps ensure that all member chases in the same status get assigned to the same abstractor.  


Document Thumbnail Updates

Each Document displays a coversheet with the document ID listed below. You can now clearly see a visual break between documents. When managing individual pages, Managers and Leads can now click the coversheet to select or unselect all pages in that document. Coming soon: Additional document information on hover



Risk/IVA Data Entry Screen Updates

In an effort to reduce unnecessary coding, we have eliminated the following fields from the Encounter Section:

Service Start Date: Page Number, Service Date From, Admin Value

Service End Date: Page Number, Service Date Thru, Admin Value

Provider: Page number, Provider selection/search, Admin Value


Submit and GetNext

We’ve simplified chase assignment for Clinical Coders and Abstractors. As soon as an abstractor/Coder submits a chase, our system will automatically load the next available chase from their queue. If there are no chases in their queue, we will automatically grab one for them. They’ll be able to work charts faster with less back and forth.




Stalled Documents

New daily job that checks for documents that have been in a pre-processing or error status for more than 24 hours. Generate email report with all documents. 


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