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Product Release Notes 05-26-2022


UPDATE: Saving Projects 

Users will be prompted to save their project if they try to leave the page without saving.  


UPDATE: Input Fields 

Some fields were not retaining information when clicking between Project Setting tabs.   


UPDATE: Setting Removed 

Under Project > HEDIS Settings, we have removed the setting Do you want to allow addition of medical record data to an admin event. 

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NEW: RISK/IVA Setting 

New Risk/IVA Setting to enable a the Overread Feedback Tool for HCC and HST measures. 
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NEW: IVA Setting 

New IVA Project Setting field for HIOS ID 

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UPDATE: Query Permissions 

Field Technician, Document QA, and 3rd Party Managers now have access to Queries and Chart Lake. 



UPDATE: Filtering for Address Pend tables 

Users can now filter on pend tables within the Address details page. 


UPDATE: View Tags in Address Chase tables 

Users can now add a column for chase tags to the chase table within the Address details page. This allows users to view and filter chases based on tags. 


NEW: View Invoice from Document Intake 

From Document Intake, this action enables users to easily perform data entry on an invoice immediately after identifying it in a document. When clicking the 3-dot action button in Committed Pages for an invoice, select ‘View Invoice’.  


NEW: Include Document Request note in Pursuit Comments 

When users create a document request pursuit and leave a note, this will now appear in the comments section of the pursuitThis allows users to easily see the note left by the clinician when retrieving the pursuit. This can be viewed directly from an address, if comments’ are included in your custom view on the chase table. 



UPDATE: Address Table Padding 

We received feedback that the tour button was blocking a part of Address Chase table. We have adding extra space on the page to account for this overlap 



NEW: New HEDIS 2023 Measure: FMC - Follow-Up After Emergency Department Visit for People with Multiple High-Risk Chronic Conditions 

New Measure FMC has been created in the tool for MY 2022. 


NEW: RISK/IVA Overread Feedback Tool 

The Overread Feedback page displays all Chases that have Coder, Overreader and Manager to review Overread Feedback and Feedback Challenges. 


RISK/IVA Overread Feedback Workflow: 

Coder: Submits the Chase with the Encounters and Diagnoses 

Overreader:  Can add/remove or update coder submitted Encounters and diagnoses and provide feedback to the Coder 

Coder: Accepts or Challenge the Overread Feedback 

Manager: The chase goes to Manager if coder challenges the overread feedback to review. Manager can either agree with Coder or Overreader 

If Manager agrees with the Coder: The Acknowledgement goes to Overreader and Overreader must acknowledge the Manager’s feedback for chase to move to delivery 

If Manager agrees with the Overreader: The Acknowledgement goes to Coder and Coder must acknowledge the Manager’s feedback for chase to move to delivery 


NEW: HEDIS Overread Feedback  User must review Feedback 

We have implemented restriction at the employee level that the Abstractor or Overreader cannot abstract more charts or request more work until all feedback has been reviewed and acknowledged. The system will display the warning message "Please review your Overread Feedback". 


Audit Query 

NEW: Audit Query Module Enhancements 

Two new field have been introduced in Audit Grid. 

  1. Audit Ready: User can select one value after reviewing the chase if it is ready for audit or not. Once the chase has passed MRR and C/MR, the chase will appear on the Audit Query Grid and the default value is BLANK. This field contains three values 
    • BLANKThe SELECT button is DISABLED and the user cannot include this chase for Audit Packet  
    • YES: The SELECT button is ENSABLED and the user can SELECT and include this chase for Audit Packet 
    • NO: The SELECT button is DISABLED and the user cannot include this chase for Audit Packet 
  2. User: This field displays the name of the User as First Name Last Name. Initially it will be Blank when the chase appears on Audit Grid after MRR. Once the User selects Yes/No for the Audit Ready, the USER field displays the name of the User. If another user changes the status of the same chase (YES/NO/Blank), it displays the other user’s name. 

UPDATE: Label Update 
The field name Chase Compliance has been replaced with Sample Compliance as this displays the compliance at Sample level. 

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UPDATE: PDS Measure for MY 2022 

  1. Screening for depression prenatal using screening tool: If No Screening Tool found is selected, this numerator is non-Compliant 
  2. Screening for depression postpartum using screening toolIf No Screening Tool found is selected, this numerator is non-Compliant 

UPDATE: Audit Query Module chart highlights 

The medical chart in the Audit Query module retains the highlights done during abstraction/overread. 


Project Data 

NEW: Data Extracts 

Data Extracts now supports Delimiter Type: Comma.  

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NEWUTC Time Zone added to all Dashboard and Report pages 

“UTC Time Zone” text was added to Analytics pages to clarify to users that all Dashboards and Reports are currently in UTC Time Zone.  


UPDATE: Top 50 AID's with Open Chases 

"Retrieved Count" field has been added to this report to provide retrieval managers visibility into chase retrieval progress at each individual provider Address to assess completion. 


UPDATE: Chase Numerator Level Report 

"Exempt from Scoring" field was added to the report to enable clinical managers to view which numerators are excluded from scoring. 

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