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Product Release Notes 02-16-2022

Service Organization  

UPDATE: Custom Logo 

Improved overall resolution of logos. Logo will automatically update upon save.   


NEW: Document Routing Setting 

'Provider Gateway' has been added as an option to enable or disable under the Document Routing Settings. If disabled, all documents will be routed to Document Intake.  

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NEW: Project Setting: Reveleer Notification Contact 

A New Project Setting field has been added to allow a user to configure an email to send notifications to once chases have been added via data load to a project. Multiple emails can be added via a comma separated list. 




UPDATE: Provider Packet Preview 

Eliminated lag time from when a user is editing a provider packet, to when they click preview.  


UPDATE: Member Pull List 

When a member pull list consists of multiple pages, the header 'Member Pull List (Continued)' will appear at top of all pages after page 1.  

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NEW: New Custom Column 

‘Assigned To’ column is now available for PSR and 3rd Party AID chase tables 

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UPDATE: Document QA  

When users submit a chase in Document QAinstead of being directed to clinical chase assignment pagethey will return to the main Document QA page.  


UPDATE: Filters for Document Intake & QA  

When performing a chase search for either Document Intake or QAthose results can now be filtered.  Users can filter the following: Chase ID, Project, Measure, Status, Pend Code, Pend Status, Sample Compliance, Chase Compliance, DOB, AID, and Provider. 


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UPDATE: Persist Filters for Chase tables at Addresses 

When a user applies a filter to the Address chase tablethe filters will persist until the user either modifies the criteria or logs out of the Platform. 


UPDATE: Update Invoice Status  

Users now have the option to update invoice statuses from ‘To Be Paid’ to ‘Paid’ in two new locations. The first location is in the chases grid inside a vendor home page. When one or more chases are selected that have invoices in a status of ‘To Be Paid’, a button to ‘Update Invoice Status’ will appear above the grid. Users can simply click this button and update the invoices for selected chases to ‘Paid’. 


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Additionally, when viewing the data entry for an invoice after clicking the invoice ID, users will now have the option to update the invoice to a status of ‘Paid’ 


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UPDATE: Submit Call Notes 

Users can now successfully log call notes in the contact history without the call actually going through, or by making a call outside of the platformThis feature can be used to simulate a phone call in the contact history if users are unable to make calls due to network issues. 


NEW: Weekly Statement Warning 

In order to enable Weekly Statements, the Preferred Request Method and the Fax/Email must be setup. We have enabled a warning message letting you know what information is missing.  

Example: Set Email to enable weekly email statements.  


UPDATE: Fax Batching 

Provider packets are generated in batches of 500 chases when printing, mailing, or faxing. Previously, it was 25.  


Document Routing + Ingestion 

UPDATE: Provider Gateway 

When a Provider uploads records through the Provider Gateway, all documents will be merged into a single document before being submitted to chart ingestion service. This will appear as a single document in Reveleer and will help when there are multiple documents for the same member.  


UPDATE: Large File Queue 

We have created a new routing bot queue for all documents that exceed 90MB. This will reduce queuing time for smaller documents and help process them faster.  



UPDATE: Highlight Color 

We’ve received feedback that users would like us to differentiate between User added highlights and NLP Bot added highlights. We’ve additionally heard that the green color was too light. We’ve improved on both. NLP Bot highlight will remain green with a darker tint and all user added highlights will be yellow. Thank you for the feedback!  



UPDATE: Member Details 

To better align with medical records, the member’s name will now display Last, First instead of First Last. Example: Smith, Jane. We have also added Provider Specialty. 




UPDATE: Document Thumbnails 

Scrolling improvements for small thumbnails. Users will now see the selected thumbnail at all times 


NEW: Source Document Link 

Access the source document of a chase by clicking the Document ID located on the Chase Timeline tab. Users will be redirected to document intake where they can view the original source document, and all working and committed assignments. In order to view source document, user needs permission for document intake. 



UPDATE: Compliance Table 

For HEDIS chases, the NRC column is now to the right of the Sample Gap Compliance column.  


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NEW: Overall Measure Compliance 

A new field has been added in the compliance Table of Data Entry Screen: Overall Measure Compliance 

It is Singular Compliant Sample. 


Example 1: CDC Sample Compliance:  C/MR 

If a member has three chases for CDC and: 

Chase 1 is A1C compliant 

Chase 2 is Nephropathy Compliant 

Chase 3 is BP and Eye Exam compliant 

Then all the compliance of different chases are added, and the Member is compliant at sample level. 


Example 2: BP Sample Compliance:  C/MR 

Chase 1 BP: 180/90 

Chase 2 BP: 130/68 

Looking across all chases for the member, the Member is compliant at sample level. 


Example 3:WCC Sample Compliance: NC/MR 

Chase 1Nutrition compliant MR 

Chase 2Physical compliant MR 

Chase 3Non-compliant – no data entry performed yet 

Looking across all chases for the member.  The member is sample non-compliant for WCC. 


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UPDATE: Nephropathy Medicare Flag 

For chases where they have a NephropathyMedicareFlag value set to "Y" (from the data load file), the data entry screen will show Nephropathy fields. 



UPDATE: Risk – No Encounters 

When a Risk chase did not have any Encounters, the data entry screen was displaying outdated fields.  


UPDATE: Measure ABA 

Previously retired, measure ABA is now available.  


UPDATE: Measure PSS 

The Counseling for Tobacco Smoking and Tobacco Exposure have been separated into their own sections rather than being grouped together.  


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Audit Query 

UPDATE: Filters 

General improvement to filters. Once the user has set and applied the filters for Audit Query, the selection of the filters will stay until User changes/resets the filter or creates the Audit Package. 


Audit Package 

UPDATE: Print Screen  

Print screen for Audit Query had a minor style issue where some text was overlapping when generating a package.  



UPDATE: Retrieval Pend Details 

The Print Provider Packet functionality was presenting an error from the Retrieval Pend Details page.  


Approval Center 

NEW: System Tag when Documents are Denied 

When documents are denied from the approval center, a system tag will automatically be applied to the document. This will help managers identify and audit documents where chases were denied in the approval center. The tag will display 'Child Chase Denied 


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UPDATE: Confirmation Messages 

Updated messaging when approving a document in the Document Approval Center.  

  • If Child Chase: ‘Pages successfully added to child chase 12345 
  • If Inactive Chase:  'Chase Successfully Activated!' 


UPDATE: My Queries 

When accessing My Queries, the first query in the list was automatically loading in the background. We removed that from running automatically.  


Bulk Upload 

UPDATE: Results Table 

Bulk Upload results now show both successful and unsuccessful validations. The results are be listed by failed files first, then show all passed. You can export this list as well.  




UPDATE: Dedicated Upload Queue 

In an effort to decrease upload time for Bulk Uploads we have created a dedicated Bulk Upload Doc Routing Queue.  


UPDATE: Increase Upload Limit 

We have increased the Bulk upload limit from 250MB to 1.5GB.  



UPDATE: Chase Numerator Level Report 

"Compliance Changed", "Abstractor Numerator Compliance", and "Overreader Numerator Compliance" fields were added to the report to allow Clinical Managers to quickly determine which numerators were changed by Abstractors versus Overreaders. 


Learn More: 


UPDATECo Retrieval Owner 

Field added to following reports for managers’ chase-level segmentation of which organization retrieved the chases: Chase Numerator Level Report, Chase Status Underlying Report, Life of a Chase Report. 


Learn More:  


UPDATE: Project Status Report 

Two new tables were added which allow Managers to track program progress by Product and Line of Business respectively. 


Learn More: 


UPDATE: Health Plan Code and Line of Business 

Line of Business” and “Product” fields added to following reports for chase-level tracking of which chases were part of which Line of Business or Health Plan: Call Count Detail Report, Chase Move Back History Report, Chase Numerator Level Report, Client Overread2 Report, Clinical Accuracy by Chase with Error Detail, Clinical Productivity Report (MRR & Over-read), Coder Productivity Report, Pend Report, Training Feedback Report. 


Learn More: 


General Experience 

UPDATE: 504 errors 

504 errors (Time out) will now display the following message to help guide users on next steps. ‘Could not complete request. Please try refreshing and contact us if the problem persists.  


UPDATE: Page Margins 

Improvements to page margins for platform consistency.  


UPDATE: New User Email 

Removed invisible text character at the end of the username and temp password. This was causing users to get errors when copying and pasting from the email.  


UPDATE: Latency 

Removed duplicate calls to API that was occurring on the Chase Info page. 



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