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April 2021 - Part 1

Provider Statements 

To increase retrieval efficiency, users can now enable/send a weekly email to providers that highlights outstanding chases. You can read all about this functionality HERE

Weekly Provider Statements - Configuration

Users can enable or disable this feature at any time. The goal is to reduce the number of calls to Providers by enabling a weekly email statement. These statements let recipients know what chases are still outstanding. We also supply the provider with a quick link to their secure Medical Record Upload Portal. Admin user will be able to see a preview of the email but will not be able to edit or change the frequency.

Weekly Provider Statements - Correspondence

This functionality can be enabled at the Service Org or enabled manually at each individual Address. Providers will receive similar weekly statement emails until all chases are retrieved or pended.

Weekly Provider Statements - Individual AIDs
Users can enable weekly provider statements at each individual address via the "WEEKLY EMAIL STATEMENTS" toggle within the Address Information section.

Bulk Actions

Bulk Changes > Client Chase Key as an Identifier

We expanded the chase identifier input within our bulk changes interaction to accept client chase key.


Document Intake > Timeline

Users can now access a document timeline that captures the following events: 

  • Date/time/user details when a document has been added to Intake.
  • Document status changes (hold, remove, etc.)

Document Upload User Captured in Timeline

Now when a user uploads a chart from the Address details page or via the documents tab from the Chase details page, the timeline entry includes the name of the actual logged in user who uploaded the chart.

Document Intake View > Captured Date
The Doc Intake Active View now includes a dedicated 'Captured Date', which shows exactly when the document was initially ingested into Reveleer. The ‘Available date’ shows exactly when the document was finished processing and available in the platform. 

Document Intake Archive > Completed Date
The Doc Intake Archive View now includes a dedicated 'Completed Date' column that captures the date a document was completed or removed.

Routing to My Documents
Users will now always return to their 'My Documents' page/view after submitting, removing, or putting a document on hold.

Pend Manager

Info Hovers within Pend Edits
We added some info hovers to the Pend Manager that can be accessed when a user edits custom pends.


"Any chases that have already been pended will retain the owner it had at the time it was pended. All pends created moving forward will have the new owner rules applied to it."

Auto Close

"Any chases that have already been pended will retain the auto close status it had at the time it was pended. All pends created moving forward will have the new auto close rules applied to it."

Clinical flag 

"Any chases that have already been pended will retain the clinical flag it had at the time it was pended. All pends created moving forward will have the new clinical flag rules applied to it."

Member File

Member File > Custom View
We expanded the Member File results table to include Custom View functionality.

Member File > New Action Component
We expanded the Member File results table to include a new dropdown component that allows users to take the following actions based on whether a chase has been selected:

  1. Export Chase(s) -- Allows users to export the table of member file chases. This will be the only selectable option until a user makes a selection from the table
  2. Pend Chase(s) -- Allows users to pend chases
  3. Assign Chase(s) -- Allows users to assign chases to specific users
  4. Unassign Chase(s) -- Allows users to unassign chases from users and release them back into the unassign pool 



IVA NLP - Iconography Cleanup
We updated our chart viewer during Data Entry to only show NLP toolbar functions when coding measures HST and NEC.

Negative Member Validation Routing
Clinical users performing data entry will now be routed back to the My Chases page/view upon negative member validation.

General > Tags

Tag Search

The ability to run multi-tag search with OR / AND rules:

  1. When performing an OR search: results will contain at least 1 tag used in the search but not necessarily all of them.
  2. When performing an AND search: results will contain all tags used in the search.

Tag Filtering

The ability to apply multi-tag filtering with OR / AND rules:

  1. When filtering by OR: results will contain at least 1 tag used in the search but not necessarily all of them.
  2. When filtering with AND: The results will contain all tags used in the search.

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