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RXC Status Report

Report Name
RXC Status Report

About This Report

This report provides the validation results of each data element of the RXC validation process by HIOS.

Project Type


Service Type

Full Service, Clinical Only

Intended User

Manager / Technical User

Best For

An IVA Program manager can track the program results and efficacy for RXC Audits.

Using This Report

  • Download the report and use within Excel
  • Create pivot table to get the validation statuses across all Prescription Drug categories
  • Drill down and see detailed data like Provider ID Validation, Fill Date Validation, NDC Validation, Claim Date Validation, RXC Validation, Claim Identifier Validation and HCPCs Validation across different prescription drug categories

What Information Can I Filter?

Enrollee ID
Member ID
Client Member ID
Claim ID
Dispensing Provider ID
Chase ID
Stratum Level

 What Do The Fields Mean? 

FieldData Dictionary Definition
Enrollee Count(Original Measure: Member Count) A distinct count measure of the associated data items
RXC Screenshots Received(Original Measure: Iva Rxc Data Count) A distinct count measure of the associated data items
RXC Chases Validated MRR(Original Measure: Iva Rxc Data Count, filtered to Rxc Validated = '1', and Workflow Status = 'Overread' ) A distinct count measure of the associated data items
RXC Chases in OR1(Original Measure: Iva Extract Radvde Count, filtered to Workflow Status = 'Overread' ) A distinct count measure of the associated data items
RXC Chases Validated OR1(Original Measure: Iva Rxc Data Count, filtered to Rxc Validated = '1', and Workflow Status = 'Overread2' ) A distinct count measure of the associated data items
RXC Chases in OR2(Original Measure: Iva Rxc Data Count, filtered to Workflow Status = 'Overread2' ) A distinct count measure of the associated data items
RXC Chases Validated OR2(Original Measure: Iva Rxc Data Count, filtered to Rxc Validated = '1', and Workflow Status = 'Delivery' or 'Completed' ) A distinct count measure of the associated data items
RXC Chases Completed(Original Measure: Vw Mr50 Chase Workflow Summary Count, filtered to Workflow Status = 'Delivery' or 'Completed') A distinct count measure of the associated data items
RXC Count (Original Measure: Iva Rxc Data Member Rxc Count) A distinct count of member/rxc combinations
RXC Chases No Match MRR(Original Measure: Iva Rxc Data Count, filtered to Rxc Validated is not equal to '1', and Workflow Status = 'Overread' ) A distinct count measure of the associated data items
RXC Chases No Match OR1(Original Measure: Iva Rxc Data Count, filtered to Rxc Validated is not equal to '1', and Workflow Status = 'Overread2' ) A distinct count measure of the associated data items
RXC Chases No Match OR2(Original Measure: Iva Rxc Data Count, filtered to Rxc Validated is not equal to '1', and Workflow Status = 'Delivery' or 'Completed' ) A distinct count measure of the associated data items
RXC Status Report (Table)Report provides relevant data for RXC chases selected by the client.
Project IDThe internal identifier associated with a project
HIOSPlan identifier for IVA plans only
Project NameThe name associated with a project
Measure YearThe measure year associated with a project
Client IDThe internal identifier associated with a client
Client NameName of the Client
Data load ID for SampleClient's internal Chase ID
Chase IDThe internal identifier associated with a chase
Current Chase StatusThe status of a chase, based upon its workflow status and pend and invoice status
Member IDThe internal identifier associated with a member
Client Member IDThe client identifier associated with a member
Enrollee IDClient or government supplied identifier for a member (outside of the Member ID field)
Full NameThe first and last name of a member
Member DOB  DateThe date of birth of the member
Member GenderThe gender of a member
Stratum LevelThe stratum indicator of the stratum in which the enrollee was included. Strata 1-9 represent low, medium and high-risk enrollees with at least one (1) HCC or (1) RXC for each age model. Stratum 10 includes enrollees with no HCCs and no RXCs. Note: Only the adult RA model includes RXCs therefore only the adult strata 1-3 will include enrollees with RXCs
RxcNumerical identifier associated with the rx condition within a given condition model
Rxc NameThe description of a rx condition category
Claim IdentifierThe identifier provided for the claim associated with the chase
Claim Processed Date TimeThe time stamp associated when the client processed an incoming claim
Prescription Fill DateThe time stamp associated with the fulfillment of a prescription
Dispensing Provider IDThe identifier for a provider who dispensed a prescription
NdcThe national drug code (ndc)
HcpcsThe HCPCS is a procedure code associated with a claim used in the crosswalk between RXCs and medical claims for IVA
Member Rxc ListA list of all prescription condition categories (RXC) associated with a member
Claim NumberA ranking based upon member id and rxc to indicate the number of claims available for a client to choose to satisfy the RXC audit
Hcpcs ValidatedDetermines if the HCPCS in the medical record screenshot matched between the source data and the auditor's findings for IVA RXC validation
Claim Identifier ValidatedDetermines if the date of the claim identified by the auditor matches the ndc identified by the government
Claim Date ValidatedDetermines if the date of the claim identified by the auditor matches the ndc identified by the government
Ndc ValidatedDetermines if the ndc identified by the auditor matches the ndc identified by the government
Fill Date ValidatedDetermines if the date of the prescription fill identified by the auditor matches the ndc identified by the government
Provider ID ValidatedDetermines if the provider ID identified by the auditor matches the ndc identified by the government
Rxc ValidatedA flag the indicates whether all data elements have been validated for a given RXC

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