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Call Count Detail Report

Report Name
Call Count Detail Report

About This Report

This report will provide details around contacts attempt at a chase level. The user can see the first and last time an attempt was made both at the site and chase level.

Project Type


Service Type

Full Service, Platform, Retrieval Only, Clinical Only

Intended User

Manager/Technical User

Best For

Analyzing call assignments, the population of sites by call attempts, and site status. May also be used for end of season metrics like total calls per site. 

Using This Report

  • Download the report and use within Excel
  • Apply filters/pivots to determine call prioritization

What Information Can I Filter?

Workflow Status

 What Do The Fields Mean? 


FieldData Dictionary Definition
Client NameName of the Client
Project NameThe name associated with a project
Line of Business
The type of business associated with this chase: Medicare, Medicaid, Commercial
ProductFurther detail for Line of Business, this can be Medicare HIOS number, a Plan ID or Health Plan
AIDInternal identifier (AID) associated with a chase address that has been cleaned/combined and added to the master document source table
AID Assigned ToUser who got the AID assigned
AID StatusContact status of an AID
Group NameName of the facility associated with a processed data load (master) address
MRCS Provider IDThe internal identifier applied to a service provider after clean up and deduplication is performed
Provider NPINational Provider Identifier
Provider NameFull name for the provider
TIN Number Tax Identification Number (TIN) associated with the AID behind a chase
Chase IDThe internal identifier associated with a chase
Client Chase Key The identifier provided by the client for a chase
Member IDThe internal identifier associated with a member
Client Member IDThe client identifier associated with a member
Member First NameFirst name of the member
Member Last NameLast name of the member
Member DOBThe date of birth of the member
Member GenderThe gender of a member
Chase TypeDefines whether or not a chase is an original chase (no parent chase id) or a pursuit
Expected Retrieval MethodThe expected method to retrieve medical charts for a given chase
Measure Determines the type of an associated chase, which indicates what the coder is seeking to validate
Current Process StepThe current workflow state of a given chase
Current Chase Status The status of a chase, based upon its workflow status and pend and invoice status
Appointment DateThe scheduled date of physical/virtual chart retrieval
Commitment DateData item provides the appointment date when the document source is either 'EMR' or 'Field Tech', otherwise provides the commitment date
Pend Assigned ToThe internal identifier associated with the user that a chase's pend is assigned to
Pend CodeAn internal identifier for the various reasons that a chase may be pended, awaiting further action/or info to collect or code a medical record
Pend StatusName associated with a given pend status
Pend Code DescriptionDescription of a pend code
Special HandlingStates whether AID has a unique set of needs (Yes or Blank)
Special Handling ReasonThis AID has a unique set of needs
Co Retrieval OwnerThis field explains which organization owns the chase retrieval
First Call DateFirst contact date of an AID
Last Call DateLast contact date of an AID
Days Since Last CallDays Since last Call
Unique Day Contact CountUnique day Call Count of an AID
Successful Fax Blast CountSuccessful Fax Blast Count in  an AID
Failed Fax Blast CountFailed Fax Blast Count in an AID
Successful Call CountSuccessful Call Count in an AID
Failed Call CountFailed Call Count
Danger Countdown DateDanger countdown date to make 5 calls

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