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Date of Birth Discrepancy Report

Report Name
Date of Birth Discrepancy Report

About This Report

This report provides information about when member DOB differ from enrollment data. 

Project Type


Service Type

Full Service, Platform, Retrieval Only, Clinical Only

Intended User

Manager/Technical User

Best For

Date of Birth Discrepancy Report enable users to track inaccurate data from the medical records versus enrollment files so that clients are empowered to better maintain their systems of records of enrollment.

Using This Report

  • Download the report and use within Excel
  • Apply filters/pivots to determine members with different DOBs than admin data.

What Information Can I Filter?


 What Do The Fields Mean?  

FieldData Dictionary Definition
ProjectIDThe internal identifier associated with a project
ProjectNameThe name associated with a project
ChaseIDThe internal identifier associated with a chase
ClientChaseKeyThe identifier provided by the client for a chase
MemberDOBAdmin Data's record of the date of birth of the member
AbstractorDataAbstractor's record of the date of birth of the member
OR1dataOverreader's record of the date of birth of the member
OR2DataOverreader2's record of the date of birth of the member

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