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Chase Status Underlying Report

Report Name
Chase Status Underlying Report

About This Report

This report captures real-time chase status and provides underlying supporting details.

Best For

Insight into Medical Record Retrieval Operations

Using This Report

You can customize a large set of data into a wide variety of custom views. Pivoting chase level data by project will give you the count of chases by Status, by pend code and pend status, and count of chases retrieved by date.

What Information Can I Filter?

The Chase Status report has a wide array of data sets regarding retrieval operations, of which are filterable.

What Do The Fields Mean?

FieldData Dictionary Definition

Actual Retrieval Method

The method used to retrieve medical charts for a given Chase

Address 1

First line of Provider Address

Address 2

Second line of Provider Address

Address Grouping

Associates various Address IDs into a single Group


Address ID is an Internal identifier used to identify a Provider Address 

AID Assigned To

The User ID that has been assigned to that Provider Address

AID Fax Number

The Fax Number associated with a Provider Address

AID Phone Number

The Phone Number associated with a Provider Address

AID Status

Contact status of an Address

Appointment Date

The scheduled date of Physical / Electronic record retrieval 

Approval ID

Internal identifier for when an invoice is approved

Chase ID

Internal identifier associated with a Chase

Chase Type

Defines whether or not a chase is an original chase (no parent chase id) or a pursuit


City associated with Provider Address


Name of the Client

Client Chase Key

Client identifier for a Chase

Client Member ID

Client identifier for a Member

Commitment Date

The scheduled date a Provider has committed to providing Medical Records

Co Retrieval OwnerThe organization that is retrieving the chase

Current Chase Status

The status of a chase, based upon its workflow, pend, and invoice status

Current Pend Code

Internal identifier when a chase has been pended 

Current Pend Description

Description of the Pend Code reason

Current Pend Status

The current state of that pends resolution

Current Process Step

The current workflow of a given chase

Data Load Address 1

First line of Provider Address from Data Load

Data Load Address 2

Second line of Provider Address from Data Load

Data Load AID Fax Number

The Fax number provided in Data Load

Data Load AID Phone Number

The Phone Number associated with Data Load

Data Load Group Name

Group name associated with aa Address from Data Load

Date of Service From

From Date of Service for an Encounter

Date of Service To

To Date of Service for an Encounter

EMR System

The EMR system used to collect Medical Records

Enrollee ID

Client or Government supplied identifier for a Member 

Expected Retrieval Method

How we expect to retrieve Medical Records from a specific Address

Group Name

Name of the facility associated with the Address


The Health Insurance Oversight System (HIOS). This is an identifier assigned by CMS to a given Health Plan

Invoice Amount

Amount charged by invoice for a 3rd party Chase

Invoice Number

Number identifying the invoice related to the Chase

Last Process Step

The Status the Chase was last in

Measure Code

A measurement tool used by the nation's health plans to evaluate performance in terms of clinical quality and customer service.

Member DOB

The Date of Birth of the Member

Member First Name

The First Name of a Member

Member Gender

The Gender of a Member

Member ID

The internal identifier associated with a Member

Member Last Name

The Last Name of a Member

MRCS Provider ID

The internal identifier for a Provider


Current owner of a Chase, be it 'Organization' or 'Client'

Organization NameThe service organization for this data

Page Count

Number of pages attached to the Chase

Parent Chase ID

The chase ID of the original Chase that created the (non-parent) Chase ID associated to it

Pend Company

The Vendor associated with a 3rd party chase

Pend Created By

The user who created a Pend for the Chase

Pend Created Date

The date that a Pend was created for the Chase


The line of business associated with the Chase ID

Project ID

The internal identifier associated with a Project

Project Name

The name associated with a Project

Provider Name

The Provider's Name

Provider NPI

National Provider Identifier

Provider VerifiedIndicates whether or not retrieval team has verified the provider information during outreach

Pursuit Type

Defines the reason the Pursuit was created from the original Parent Chase ID, assuming that the Chase ID has a Parent chase ID

Report Refresh Date

The date the Chase detail report was refreshed

Retrieval Date

The date that a Chart was received

Retrieval Type NameThe method of retrieval for the chase


Geographical state associated with the Address

TIN Number

The Tax ID associated with a Service Provider

Vendor Chart Price Limit

The limit set by the Client for invoice amounts to be authorized for payment

Vendor ID

The internal identifier for a 3rd Party Vendor

Vendor Invoice Type

The type of Invoice e.g., COD, Net 30, Managed

Vendor Name

The name of the 3rd Party Vendor

Zip Code

Zip Code associated with an Address

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