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Chart Routing Dashboard

Dashboard Name
Chart Routing Dashboard

About This Dashboard

This dashboard allows program managers to view chart routing efficacies and intake performance metrics so that they can better manage their retrieval programs. For charts requiring manual review, there are statuses assigned to those charts so volume can easily be tracked.

Service Type


Intended User

Executive / Manager

Best For

Viewing chart routing bot efficacies and manual review metrics

What Information Can I Filter?

Document Create Date

What do the Data Items Mean? 

Data ItemDescription

Intake Pages

Pages that require manual review

Abstraction Pages

Pages sent directly by Routing Bot to Abstraction

Ignore Pages

Pages processed by Routing Bot that can be ignored (such as blank pages)

Invoice Pages

Pages determined by Routing Bot to be Invoices

QA Pages

Pages sent to QA by Routing Bot

Pull List Pages

Pages determined by Routing Bot to be patient pull lists

Total Pages

Total Pages routed by Routing Bot

Page Segmentation

High Level Summary of Pages routed by Routing Bot

Page Range Routing Details

Detailed, exportable table which shows where page ranges (parts of a document) were routed by Routing Bot

No Manual Review Documents

Documents processed by Routing Bot that required NO manual review

Active Documents

Documents routed by Routing Bot to Manual Review that are currently being reviewed by Intake Team

On Hold Documents

Documents routed by Routing Bot to Manual Review that were flagged by Intake Team to Hold for various reasons

Completed Documents

Documents routed by Routing Bot to Manual Review that were completed by Intake Team

Removed Documents

Documents routed by Routing Bot to Manual Review that were removed by Intake Team

Total Documents

Total Documents routed by Routing Bot

EVE-Completed Documents vs Manual Review Document

High Level Summary of Documents routed by Routing Bot that either were completed entirely by Routing Bot or required Manual Review

Manual Review Document Progress

Segmentation of documents routed by Routing Bot to Manual Review

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