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Data Entry Checklist Settings

Here you can create custom checklists to appear at the end of the data entry screen for Abstraction/Coding, Overread, and Overread 2.



Abstraction – Create Checklist

  1. Click Add New

2.  Enter text

3.  Repeat until list is complete

4.  To finalize, click Save


Abstraction – Sort Checklist

  1. To rearrange list, select the 6-dot icon and drag-and-drop into desired position
  2. Click save


Abstraction – Remove Checklist Item

  1. Click the “X” located to the right of the list item
  2. Click Save



Overread – Create Checklist

  1. Locate Overread Tab
  2. Click Add New

3.  Enter text

4.  Repeat until list is complete

5.  To finalize, click Save

Overread – Sort Checklist

  1. Locate Overread Tab
  2. To rearrange list, select the 6-dot icon and drag-and-drop into desired position
  3. Click save


Overread – Remove Checklist Item

  1. Locate Overread Tab 
  2. Click the “X” located to the right of the list item
  3. Click Save


Overread 2

Overread 2 – Create Checklist

  1. Locate Overread 2 Tab
  2. Click Add New

3.  Enter text

4.  Repeat until list is complete

5.  To finalize, click Save


Overread 2 – Sort Checklist

  1. Locate Overread Tab
  2. To rearrange list, select the 6-dot icon and drag-and-drop into desired position
  3. Click save


Overread 2 – Remove Checklist Item

  1. Locate Overread 2 Tab
  2. Click the “X” located to the right of the list item
  3. Click Save



Data Entry Checklist Tab is the same for all project types: HEDIS, Risk, IVA, Address Verification.


Abstractors and Coders will have the option to Select All. 

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