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RISK Overread Feedback

The Overread Feedback page displays all Chases that have Manager and Overread Feedback to be reviewed. 

You cannot request more work until all feedback has been reviewed and acknowledged.


Review Overread Feedback - As Medical Record Reviewer (Coder)

  1. From My Work - Chases
  2. Click stat Overread Feedback
  3. To begin review process, click Review Feedback located at right of table
    • You will be presented with the Overread Feedback modal which displays each event that has feedback. The module can be freely moved around the page, as well as collapsible for easy viewing
  4. Click each row to expand for more information
  5. Review what Coder entered
  6. Review what Overreader entered
  7. If you Agree with Overreader, click Accept, and no further action will be required.
  8. If you Disagree with Overread, click Challenge
  9. If challenging, enter a reason and include a page number
  10. Click Submit Challenge
    • Repeat steps until all feedback has been reviewed
    • You will be prompted to Get Next if there is additional feedback for review





You cannot request additional work until all feedback has been reviewed.



Review Overread Challenges – As Manager

  1. From Overread
  2. Click stat Feedback Challenges
  3. To begin review process, click Review Challenge located at right of table
    • You will be presented with the Overread Feedback module which displays Medical Record Reviewer challenges. The module can be freely moved around the page, as well as collapsible for easy viewing.
  4. Click Review Challenge to see details
  5. Review what Coder entered
  6. Review what Overreader entered
  7. Review Reason for Challenge
  8. To reconcile, click Select Next Action
  9. If you Agree with Medical Record Reviewer, select Agree with Coder
  10. Provider feedback for coder and Overreader 
  11. Click Submit Feedback
  12. If you Agree with Overreader, select Agree with Overreader
  13. Provider feedback for both coder and Overreader 
  14. Click Submit Feedback
  15. Repeat steps until all Challenges have been reviewed

Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated


Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated






You MUST review all challenges 


User Permissions

Lead: Clinical Lead

Manager: Medical Record Review Manager, Overread Manager, Client Overread Manager

Employee: Abstractor Employee, Overread Employee



Review Manager Overread Feedback - As Medical Record Reviewer (Coder and Overreader)

  1. From My Work - Chases
  2. Click stat Overread Feedback/Acknowledge
  3. To begin review process, click Acknowledge located at right of table
    • You will be presented with the Overread Feedback module which displays Manager Feedback for your challenges. The modal can be freely moved around the page, as well as collapsible for easy viewing.
  4. Click Review Challenge to see details
  5. Review Reason for Challenge
  6. Review Manager Feedback
  7. After reviewing, click Feedback Received 
    • You must review all Manager Feedback
    • You will be prompted to Get Next if there is additional feedback for review





You cannot request additional work until all feedback has been reviewed.


Please note, you cannot submit a new challenge. If you still have an issue, please contact your Manager directly.


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