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Chart Lake

This article outlines how Reveleer can be used as a chart repository for service organizations to centralize and store charts, the new project type “Chart Lake” has been created to allow loading of member information and to upload and associate medical records with member information in the Reveleer platform. You will also find a comprehensive Step-by-Step Guide you can use for training. For additional inquiries see the FAQ. You can also download a PDF. 



Chart Lake Setup

Chart Lake Project Creation
Administrators can create a new Chart Lake project to begin the process of uploading a member list and associating charts for their members. This new project type will have a simplified setup process so that administrators can proceed directly to data load after configuring the project.

Permissions: Admin




Data Load

New Data Load
After project creation, chart Lake projects will be selectable in the Project Data -> Data Load section. A member load file is required to populate the member information and for charts to attach into the Reveleer platform.

Permissions: Admin, Data Management Manager


Chart Lake Member File Format
The new Chart Lake Project will support a consolidated load of member demographic information and associated chart files to be uploaded to the Reveleer system. The following specification should be used for populating and formatting the member list to be uploaded during data load when a Chart Lake Project is selected.


Bulk Chart Uploads

Upload and Attach Charts via Chart File Name
During data load, each member can have a “ChartFileName” specified, which will be used for file uploads to attach charts. Users will be able to use the Bulk Upload feature or via a configured sFTP connection to upload their members charts into Reveleer. These charts will be automatically associated to the corresponding member based on the ChartFileName as defined in the Data Load File.


Member File

Member Query

Once initial data load has been completed for a Chart Lake project, these records can be queried and reviewed within the platform using the Member Query feature. After the search, you can select specific members and click in to view their member file to view the charts and chases associated with those members.





Member File View and Chart Copy

Once member charts have been uploaded, these charts can be viewed in the platform. Additionally, if there were tags or comments included in the data load file, they will be visible within the chart view as well. These charts can also be used to copy to other chases associated with each member within the member file view.

Step-by-Step Guide


Chart Lake Project Setup

1. Locate Admin > Projects

2. Click Create New Project

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3. Enter Project Name

4. Select Project Owner

5. Select Project Type: Chart Lake

6. Select Group 

7. To finalize, click Save and Continue

8. To cancel, click Cancel

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Chart Lake Project Settings Overview

1. Project Name: Edit Project Name

2. Set Project to Active or Inactive

3. Change Project Owner

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Chart Lake Data Load - Full

1. Select Project or Project ID

2. Select Load Type: Full

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3. Recommend, Download Instructions

4. Upload Member File

5. Click Import

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6. Review Summary and Click Upload File

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Member Query 

Member Query Page Overview

  1. Results: These are your query results
  2. Modify: Click here to modify your query 
  3. Table: The table displays Member ID, Member Key, First Name Last Name, DOB, Gender, Chases, Project Status

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Run Member Query

1. From Queries, click Member Query 

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2. You will be prompted to enter Member search criteria. You can use any combination of the following: First Name, Last Name, DOB, Member ID, Member Key, and Project status

a. Project status defaults on Active projects but users can also search Archived, Inactive projects or search All

b. You can also search a specific project

3. Click Run Query

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4. Results will display a list of members that can be accessed via their Member ID 


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Modify Member Query

1. Click Modify located to the right of your query results


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Access Member File

1. From Queries, click Member Query 

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2. You will be prompted to enter Member search criteria. You can use any combination of the following: First Name, Last Name, DOB, Member ID, Member Key, and Project status

a. Project status defaults on Active projects but users can also search Archived projects or search All

b. You can also search a specific project

3. Click Run Query

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4. To access Member File, click Member ID


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Member File Overview

  1. Member Details: This shows you the member details such as Name, DOB, Gender, Member ID and Member Key
  2. Table: The table displays all chases associated to that member. You can see Chase ID, Client Chase Key, Project, Measure, Created, Chase Status, Provider, Location, Chase Compliance and Sample Compliance
  3. Next Action: Use the select next action dropdown to export, pend, assign, or unassign applicable chases
  4. Custom View: Show or hide the columns you want to see for members with Active and Archived projects 






What workflows are triggered upon import of a data load file for a Chart Lake project?
For each entry in the data load file, a MBRCHART record is created in the Reveleer platform. These will remain in a “Waiting for Chart” status until a corresponding document is uploaded and attached. 

How will charts be associated with their corresponding member record in Reveleer?
After specifying the file name during data load via the ChartFileName column, when the document is uploaded via Bulk Upload or ingested via SFTP connection, Reveleer will automatically associate the document to the corresponding member record based on the file name.

What if I have multiple files to upload for a member?
During data load, you can add multiple rows for the same member with different ChartFileName values so that multiple charts can be automatically attached to their respective MBRCHART record.

Can I specify additional information about the charts that will be uploaded?
During data load, the ChaseTag column can be used to tag specific charts and can be surfaced in the Reveleer platform. For example, if you want to specify a chart contains information for a CDC measure, add “MEASURE=CDC” as a value in the ChaseTag column when creating the data load file.


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