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Chart Lake

Here is where you can view and filter all Members across any Active or Archived Projects in your Service Organization 



Chart Lake Page Overview

  1. Query: These are your query results. Click modify to update or run a new query
  2. Table: The results will display Chase ID, Measure, Project, AID, Group Name, Measurement Year, DOS, Pages, Chart Acquired, Provider Information can be exported.
  3. Access a Member File: To access a Member, click the Member Index number located in the first column of the table  



Chart Lake Query Overview

  1. Project: Select one or many projects
  2. Member: Enter in basic member information such as Name and DOB 
  3. Member Index: This is a unique member identifier
  4. Member Key: Client member identifier 
  5.  Project Status: By default, it will only look for members in active projects, but you can also search across Inactive and Archive projects.
  6. Chart Option: Decide if you only want members with charts attached to return results
  7. Run Query: When ready, click here to run the query. It can be modified.

Modify Chart Lake Query

  1. Click Modify located to the right of your query results



User Permissions
Administrator, Client Lead, Clinical Lead, Retrieval Lead, Call Center Rep Manager, Data Management, Doc Intake manager, EMR Manager, MMR Manager, Overread Manager, Client Overread Manager, Project Manager








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