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Chase Query Overview

Here is where you can view and filter all Chases across any Project in your Service Organization and Pend, Assign or Unassign those Chases. You can also create a Chase from here. 


Chase Query Page Overview

  1. Query: These are your query results. Click modify to update or run a new query
  2. Table: These are all the Chases across your Service Organization. The Chase Query table contains the following information by default: Chase ID, Measure, Project, First Name, Last Name, Address ID, Assigned to, Status, Pend Code, Pend Code Status. All fields can be filtered. Information can be exported.
  3. Access a Chase: To access a Chase, click the Chase ID number located in the first column of the table 
  4. Next Action Tool: Export Chases, Pend, Assign/Unassign, and download a chart
  5. Create a new Chase: This is used if you need to manually create a new chase. Currently supports HEDIS and Risk.
  6. RISK/IVA quick view: Click here to see only columns related to Risk/IVA projects
  7. HEDIS quick view: Click here to see only columns related to HEDIS projects
  8. Create New View: Create a custom view of your table. Select which columns you want to show or hide.


Chase Query Chase Actions

Assign - Chase

  1. Locate Chase ID on the table
  2. Click the 3-dot action button to the right of the table
  3. Select Assign Chase(s)
  4. Select User
  5. To finalize, click Continue
  6. To cancel, click Cancel

Unassign – Chase

  1. Locate Chase ID on the table
  2. Click the 3-dot action button to the right of the table
  3. Select Unassign Chase(s)


Pend - Chase

  1. Locate Chase ID on the table
  2. Click the 3-dot action button to the right of the table
  3. Select Pend Chase(s)
  4. Select Pend Code
  5. Select Pend Code Owner (who is responsible to resolve)
  6. If applicable, select Severity
  7. Enter Additional Notes 
  8. To finalize, click Save
  9. To cancel, click Cancel

Download Chart

  1. Locate Chase ID on the table
  2. Click the 3-dot action button to the right of the table
  3. Select Download Chart
  4. You download request will process under Jobs, located at the top of the screen
  5. Click the Chase ID to finalize download


Copy chart

  1. Locate Chase ID on the table
  2. Click the 3-dot action button to the right of the table
  3. Select Copy Chart
  4. Using the checkboxes, select 1 or many Chases to copy
  5. To finalize, click Copy Chart
  6. To cancel, click Cancel

Change Retriever

  1. Locate Chase ID on the table
  2. Click the 3-dot action button to the right of the table
  3. Select Change Retriever
  4. Using the dropdown, select Client or Reveleer
  5. To finalize, click Confirm
  6. To cancel, click Cancel

Chase Query Bulk Actions

 Assign - Multiple Chases

  1. Using the checkbox, select 1 or more Addresses 
  2. Click Select Next Action
  3. Select Assign Chase(s)
  4. Click Go
  5. Select User
  6. To finalize, click Continue
  7. To cancel, click Cancel

Unassign - Multiple Chases

  1. Using the checkbox, select 1 or more Addresses 
  2. Click Select Next Action
  3. Select Unassign Chase(s)
  4. Click Go


Pend - Multiple Chases

  1. Using the checkbox, select 1 or more Addresses 
  2. Click Select Next Action
  3. Select Pend Chase(s)
  4. Click Go
  5. Select Pend Code
  6. Select Pend Code Owner (who is responsible to resolve)
  7. If applicable, select Severity
  8. Optionally, enter Additional Notes 
  9. To finalize, click Save
  10. To cancel, click Cancel 

Download - Multiple Chases

  1. Using the checkbox, select 1 or more Chases
  2. Click Select Next Action
  3. Select Download Chart
  4. Click Go
  5. You download request will process under Jobs, located at the top of the screen
  6. Click each Chase ID to finalize download
  7. Click See All to see all Jobs



Note: Each chase will be a separate download. 



Change Retriever - Multiple Chases

  1. Using the checkbox, select 1 or more Chases
  2. Click Select Next Action
  3. Select Change Retriever
  4. Click Go
  5. Using the dropdown, select Client of Reveleer
  6. To finalize, click Confirm
  7. To cancel, click cancel


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