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Address Details Page Overview

Here you can view all Chases, Members, and Providers associated to an Address. 



Address Information

  1. Address Stats: These chase stats represent how many chases there are at this address, how many of those chases are open, and if enabled, how many Open Gap Pursuits there are. These stats update in real-time. 
  2. Address Information Tools: Edit Address, change the retrieval method, or assign address
  3. Address Information: This is the site’s address information. 
  4. Current contact status of that address. 
  5. Flag Address as Special Handling
  6. Preferred Request Method: If a provide has a preferred request method you can define that here (Fax, Email, Mail)
  7. Timeline: Last 5 actions that were performed at this address


Additional Address Information

  1. Comments Tab: This is where you can read and add comments about this Address. Comments will show Username, date, time, and message.
  2. Contact History Tab: This is the Address’s contact attempt history. From here you can see who made the contact attempt, contact date, Contact detail, Contact Result, Contact Type, Notes, a playable recording, if applicable, duration, and a download option for Provider Packet sent. Information can be filtered and exported.
  3. Timeline Tab: This is a complete history of an Address. It is organized by date, newest to oldest. All timeline entries include the Action taken, User, Date, Time
  4. Tags: These are tags associated with this Address. Based on permissions, you can Add or Remove Tags from an Address. 
  5. Chases Tab: These are all the open chases for this address. From here you can perform outreach, pend chases, move chases, set a commitment date, print provider packets, and upload new medical records. Click the checkbox show all chases to see all chases for that address, regardless of status. The chases table contains the following information: Chase ID, Member First Name, Member Last Name, DOB, Provider Name, Project, Product, Measure, Document Request ID, Status, Commitment Date, Pend Code, Pend Status, DOS, Sample Compliance, Tags. All fields can be filtered. Information can be exported.
  6. Members Tab: These are all the Members who have chases associated to this address.  The Members table contains the following information: Member ID, Member Name, DOB, Gender, Total Chases, Total Projects.  You can expand the member details to see all chases associated to that Member. Once expanded, the chases table contains the following information: Chase ID, Measure, Provider Name, Project, Status, Commitment date, scheduled date, pend code, and Member validation (new). Information can be exported.
  7. Pends Tab: These are all the Pends associated with this Address. The Pend table contains the following information: Pend ID, Pend Code, Measure, Pend Status, Chase ID, Project, Pend Created Date, Pend Last Update Date. Information can be exported. Users can also Change pend owner or status and leave a note.
  8. Providers Tab: These are all the Providers associated with this Address. The Provider table contains the following information: Provider Name, NPI, Group, Specialty, Tax ID number, and Provider Validation. Information can be exported.
  9. Pursuits Tab: These are all the Pursuits associated with this Address. The Pursuits table contains the following information: Chase ID, Member First Name, Member Last Name DOB, Gender, Provider Name, Project, Measure, Document Request ID, Status, Commitment Date, Pend Code, Pend Status. Information can be exported.
  10. Upload Document: Upload a document directly to a chase
  11. Create New View: Create a custom table view for your chase table.


Provider Contact tools

  1. Last contact date: This date represents that last time the Address was contacted 
  2. Phone panel: This is how you initiate a phone call to a Provider. The number is pre-populated with the phone number located in the Contact section under Address Information. 
  3. Keypad: This is how you initiate a phone call to a Provider if the number is different than the phone number located in the Contact section under Address Information.
  4. Provider Gateway PIN: The PIN number the provider will use to upload records electronically using Provider Gateway. 
  5. Weekly Statements: If enabled, these statements let your providers know at a glance how many chases are outstanding.

Graphical user interface, text

Description automatically generated



EMR Address

  1. Access Information: These are your address contacts. Listed here are: Admin contact and phone number, IT contact and phone number, and EMR system. Information can be edited at any time. 
  2. EMR System: This is the EMR system being used for this Address
  3. EMR Credentials: You can store EMR credentials at the Address.
  4. Access Forms: These are forms related to access information. Whether that is site or EMR System. You can upload, remove, and download forms from here. 
  5. Appointments: These are scheduled appointments associated with this Address. The Scheduled table contains the following information: Start Date, End Date, Assigned to, Chases, and Status. Information can be exported. You can also schedule appointments.


Field Tech Address

  1. Access Information: These are your address contacts. Listed here are: Admin contact and phone number, IT contact and phone number, and EMR system. Information can be edited at any time. 
  2. Notes: Specific notes related to On-Site retrieval
  3. Access Forms: These are forms related to access information. Whether that is site or EMR System. You can upload, remove, and download forms from here. 
  4. Appointments: These are scheduled appointments associated with this Address. The Scheduled table contains the following information: Start Date, End Date, Assigned to, Chases, and Status. Information can be exported. You can also schedule appointments.



3rd Party Copy Center Address

  1. Vendor information: This information displays the 3rd party copy center vendor who is associated with this Address. As well as the invoicing information.
  2. Vendor Confirmation: This is where a copy center vendor is confirmed for an Address. Once confirmed, it will display the Confirmed date. 
  3. Change Vendor: You can click here to change the Vendor for a site.

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